Monday, December 29, 2008


We went snowboarding on Saturday the 27th at Brighton. So fun! Thanks Dad!


We had an awesome Christmas! Jeremy's little sister Nicki came down from Montana. On the 23rd we went to This Is The Place Heritage Park and the boys got to see Father Christmas. They had a Pioneer style Christmas up there it was so fun!
On the 24th we went to Jeremy's parents house to have Dinner with his Oma and Grandma. We had yummy Honey Baked Ham, opened gifts and played games.

And on Christmas morning we did the run around to Jeremy's parents, his grandma's house and then to my grandma's house. All over the boys were spoiled! 
We had a great Christmas. I hope you all did too!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My brave little man!

Today Alec had some major dental work done. He had to be placed under anesthesia and it was a pretty scary thing for him, but he was very brave. In recovery he pulled out his IV without using his other hand, the smart little bugger! lol He wasn't so keen on the idea of having something to drink, so we had to stay in recovery for quite sometime until he could keep something down. 
He is doing really well right now. He wants to eat all the normal stuff and he can't yet so thats been a bit of a challenge. He says his mouth hurts a little which you would expect after all that. I'm so proud of him, my little boy!
Alec finally eating something, Jell-o!

Sunday, December 14, 2008